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First Criteria for a Good and Effective Workout January 1, 2011

Posted by Mike Clipp in Exercise.
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Let’s take a look at the First Criteria For a Good and Effective WorkoutDo multi-joint movements. Multi-joint movements are exercises such as pull-ups, squats, deadlifts, burpees, pushups and the like. Single-joint movements, also known as isolation exercises, are curls, bench presses, leg extensions, tricep extensions and the like. 

Multi-joint movements, also known as functional movements or exercise, most closely resemble the movements you make in real life. You squat down to pick up a child, lift and carry a bag of groceries, get up from sitting or lying on the floor, pull yourself up a ladder, or climb the stairs.

The functional exercises usually won’t give you the big, bulging muscles that the isolation exercises do. Body builders do the isolation exercises. They seek exercises that provide hypertrophy (increase in size of the muscle) as the primary objective of their workout rather than the ability to function better and more efficiently in everyday life. That’s fine for them if that’s their goal. If that’s your goal then there are better blogs and websites than StillFit that you can read. But, if your goal is to keep healthy and functioning well in middle age and far beyond then StillFit is the blog for you.

 Multi-joint/functional exercises naturally encompass the other four Criteria for A Good and Effective Workout. 

  •  Exercise On Your Feet: It’s nearly impossible to do squats, lunges, and jumping jacks while you’re sitting down. Likewise, pushups, Turkish get-ups and kettlebell swings are all done with your feet making contact with the ground.
  • Variety: There’s an almost unlimited number of functional exercises you can do. You can go online to find directions on how to do Turkish get-ups, farmer carry’s, lunges, sandbag cleans, rope climbing, kettlebell routines, tabata sequences, plus all the old standby’s such as squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, pushups and the like.
  • High Intensity: You can go to the gym, do a set, rest, talk, do another set, rest and talk for a while, do another set, take a couple of hours to complete your routine and see minimal improvement for the time you put in. Or you can go to the gym, charge through your routine, breathe hard and get your heart rate up for 30 to 40 minutes and see a lot of improvement with less workout time.
  • Fun: I have fun doing crab walks, sprints, rope climbs, frisbee, burpees, and a host of other different and functional exercises. You can design your workouts so that they’re fun and exciting.

 A couple of things to remember when you follow the StillFit philosophy in multi-joint/functional workouts. First, don’t overdo it.  Follow the StillFit guideline, Reason. Don’t start out trying to do your maximum effort or weight. Start easy and work yourself up to a maximum effort or weight. It doesn’t do you any good to injure yourself. Second, when you go to the gym, stay off the machines. I know, you’ll probably be the only person in the gym not using the machines. It’s hard to be the person not doing what everybody else does. That doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong. It could be the other people who are doing it wrong. As Anatole France said, “Even if fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.”

StillFit: The First Rule Of Healthy Eating August 22, 2010

Posted by Mike Clipp in Diet, Health.
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The first rule of healthy eating is – Make vegetables and fruits the base of your diet. (It’s more common to see this food group combo written as fruits and vegetables, but since veggies are the foundation of this rule, I list them first.) Numerous studies and research efforts have shown that people who eat the proper amount of vegetables and fruits live longer, healthier, more active lives. The nutrition and health worlds are full of disagreement on how much or whether to eat meat and how much or whether to eat grains, but most everyone agrees that you need to eat the proper amount of vegetables and fruits to attain optimum health and fitness. Even the famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) Atkins diet tells you to eat your veggies.

The amount of vegetables and fruits to eat every day is 7 to 9 servings for most people. If you eat 7 servings then ideally 5 to 6 servings should be vegetables and 1 to 2 servings should be fruit.

Now, I can hear you saying, “7 to 9 servings. I can’t eat that many vegetables and fruits.” My reply is, “It’s not that much. A proper salad (we’ll talk about that later), a bowl of mixed vegetables, an apple, and a banana can fulfill this requirement.” 

I think that the next thing to consider is just what exactly are vegetables and fruit?  Cabbage is a vegetable. So are carrots, green peppers, celery, lettuce, broccoli, artichokes, tomatoes, radishes, spinach, beets and the like. Fruit consists of apples, berries, oranges, mangoes, plums, and many others. There is a hierarchy of nutritional value within the vegetable kingdom. Broccoli is an example of a vegetable packed with higher levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Iceberg lettuce is an example of a vegetable containing lower levels of nutrients. I call iceberg lettuce “the lightweight of the vegetable world.” In general, the darker and deeper the color of the vegetable, the higher the nutrient levels.   

Macaroni and cheese is not a vegetable. Nor is it a fruit. In the StillFit world, potatoes are not a vegetable. Macaroni and potatoes are what I call major carbs. The major carbs are grains, potatoes, corn, bread, pasta, pastries, etc. When you go to the salad bar and you fill your plate with macaroni and cheese and potato salad and rolls or cornbread you aren’t putting vegetables on your plate. You’re putting highly processed major carbs on your plate. It’s not healthy eating and it certainly won’t help to keep your weight in a healthy range.

You don’t have to eat a bunch of weird or exotic stuff to fulfill your vegetable needs. I was looking at another health blog today where the writer described what she eats. She eats stuff like kohlrabi, nutritional yeast, sprouted spelt bread, acai berries, dikon, yuca, seaweed and goya. You don’t have to eat that type of stuff to be healthy. You can thrive magnificently on the normal veggies you grew up eating. Lettuce, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, green peppers, beets, celery, broccoli are all good for you. Of course, if you want to eat the exotic vegetables go right ahead and eat them. They’re good for you too. The main thing is to eat 7-9 servings of vegetables and fruits per day and to eat a good variety of them.

As for cooking or preparing your vegetables, don’t ruin a healthy meal by pouring gravy, sauces, cheese, and assorted other viscous white or brown or orange stuff on your vegetables. Try sprinkling on a non-salty seasoning or squeeze some lemon juice on them. Use a drizzle or spritz of olive oil to make the seasonings stick to the veggies. I know that a lot of people say they don’t like the taste of vegetables, but if you give yourself a chance to become accustomed to their taste you’ll be surprised at how much flavor and taste you can get from your veggies. You just have to retrain your tastebuds away from craving salty, fatty or sugary sauces. The psychological experts say that it takes 21 days to break an old habit and establish a new habit. Give it a try. Set a goal of using simple, light seasonings on your food for 3-4 weeks. Try this with meat and major carbs also. Just this one simple change can have a tremendous effect on your health and weight. I’m pretty sure that you will start feeling better within a short time if you try this. When you go to a restaurant don’t order the foods that are bathed in cheese, alfredo sauce, cream sauce, or butter. Remember, the less processed a food is the better it usually is for you. There’s a whole new world of flavor and taste to be discovered.

One of my favorite ways to ensure that I get my 7-9 servings of veggies is by eating what I call a Love Salad four or five days a week. Put simply, a Love Salad is a salad with ten or so different vegetables in it. I made my first Love Salad about twenty years ago. I made a salad using all the fresh vegetables that were in the refrigerator. Lettuce, carrots, green peppers, broccoli, red cabbage, mushrooms, celery, radishes, tomatoes and more stuff that I don’t remember. I added beans, walnuts, almonds, and a little cheese for protein. I poured on some dressing and presented it to my wife for lunch.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“It’s a love salad,” I replied. “I made it out of my love for you. I want you to stay healthy and with me for a long time so I made this Love Salad to keep you healthy.”

I know, it’s corny, but hey, I’m a corny guy.

You can vary the Love Salad by changing up the vegetables and using different proteins. I’ll put nuts on it one day and cheese the next. Sometimes it’s tofu, other times it’s tuna. Try whatever you like. The protein also adds some needed fat. We’ll take a deeper look at proteins and fats when we discuss rules 2 and 5.   

Usually on Sunday or Monday I prepare enough Love Salad veggies to take me through the week.  I cut up carrots, yellow and green peppers, red cabbage, broccoli, celery, and various other veggies. I open a can of beans and rinse them. I usually mix kidney beans, garbanzo beans, and black beans together for variety. After I prepare these items I store them in separate Tupperware type containers. Some things don’t mix in storage – that’s why I store the beans separate from the cut up veggies. With experience you’ll learn what can be stored together and what can’t. Other veggies don’t store well if prepared in advance. Leafy greens, tomatoes and others should be cut shortly before use.

If I’m taking my lunch to work I’ll usually make my salad the night before. Since I already cut my veggies it takes only a few minutes to prepare my salad. I rinse and tear up the leafy greens, place them in a plastic container, throw in a cup or two of my previously cut up veggies, cut up and add a tomato, then throw on my protein. One day I’ll add tuna, the next it might be almonds and walnuts, then it could be cheese, another day I’ll add beans and some days I’ll mix it up and even throw in a hard boiled egg or tofu. Then there are my “stinky fish” days. Those are the days when I pack a tin of sardines in my lunch. I don’t put the sardines on the salad. Their taste and smell would overpower the salad so I eat them separately. Just be careful of how much protein you add to your Love Salad. There can be more calories in 3 or 4 ounces of the protein than there is in the 5 cups of vegetables. For even more variety and flavor I’ll occasionally add fresh apple or orange chunks to my salad. Add a slice of whole wheat bread on the side and you have your complete lunch. Simple, easy and quick.

Remember, I told you earlier that getting your daily 7 – 9 servings of vegetables and fruit won’t be as hard to do as you think. With the Love Salad I easily gave myself 5 – 6 servings of veggies. 2 cups of leafy greens, 2 cups of cut up veggies, plus a tomato or apple equals 5 or 6 servings of veggies and fruits. 

If you haven’t been eating the daily 7-9 servings of vegetables and fruits, it may take some getting used to. You may at first produce more intestinal gas than you used to. But cheer up, veggie farts don’t usually smell as bad as meat and fat farts. Constipation will also be less of a problem. In fact, you’ll probably visit the toilet more often. Some people claim that while they visited the toilet more frequently their total time spent on the toilet went down. With more veggies and fruit you get more fiber, which helps to move things quicker and smoother through your intestines. 

You should also feel better overall. Once you start eating the daily 7-9 servings you’ll be getting more and better nutrition than you did in the past.  There are numerous studies showing the benefits of eating the proper amount of vegetables and fruit and we’ll take a look at some of those studies in later posts.

Stillfit: The 5 Criteria for a Good and Effective Workout August 3, 2010

Posted by Mike Clipp in Exercise, Fitness.
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You  may have noticed by now that I like to break things down into sets of rules, or guidelines. This helps me cut through all the crap that people spout concerning the best ways to eat and workout. All you have to do is flip open a magazine or go to a website to see some new supplement or exercise gadget that will lose that weight and get you in shape, with no effort. Those things don’t work. The only thing that’s been proven to get you in shape and healthy is to eat right and exercise right. You have to get out and burn some calories. To lose weight you only have to burn more calories than you take in. To become your healthiest and fittest you have to eat the right things and exercise properly. 

Forget about running endless miles or the standard bodybuilder’s workout of 3 sets of 10 that we all learned in our younger years. There’s a new school of thought developing that is moving toward a more functional, varied workout to attain the best fitness. You don’t have to do hours per week of running, or spend hours pushing weights in the gym. Besides that, as you get older, your knees and other joints start having problems with all that pounding and strain – I know mine do.

For almost 30 years my workouts consisted of 3 sets of 10, 3 times a week, using weight machines and barbells plus running 3 or so miles 3 times a week. It didn’t take long for me to get bored with the routine. Over the years I tried different routines – slow lifting, high intensity, pyramids, descending sets, etc. The problem was that they were all just variations on the same old routine that everyone did. Nothing I tried overcame the feeling that there had to be a better way to work out and keep fit. Then, about five years ago I started hearing about and seeing online a lot of talk about functional fitness. Crossfit, primal fitness, The 300 workout (from the movie), and natural movement type training were all just starting to generate some buzz. Functional fitness lets you run, jump, lift, push, pull, crawl, twist and stretch your way to fitness. There’s an infinite variety of exercises and routines available.

The 5 Criteria for a Good and Effective Workout, shown below, build on the functional fitness concept. Just don’t forget the three guiding principles of StillFit: Knowledge, Reason, Consistency.

      Knowledge – If you’re unfamiliar with an exercise or routine get some training. Most gyms have trainers who can help, although a lot of trainers aren’t familiar with functional training. Or you can keep watching StillFit. I’ll delve deeper into exercises and routines in future posts. You can also search online for tutorials and information.

     Reason – Remember, it’s important to work out to your ability and fitness level. If you’ve been a couch potato, are overweight, or just haven’t exercised in years, take it easy in the beginning. You don’t have to prove your toughness by going all out your first couple of times working out. Start slow and light and work your way up. I like to follow the concept of Just One More: Every time you do an exercise or routine, try to do just one more repetition than you did last time, or finish a second faster than last time.

     Consistency – Work out 4 or 5 times a week. Working out only once or twice a week just isn’t enough, you’re as likely to hurt yourself as you are to get fit. So get out and have some fun working out. I try to schedule my workouts Monday and Tuesday, take a rest day on Wednesday, then back to my workouts on Thursday and Friday. Sometimes I’ll fit in a Saturday workout also. You don’t have to spend an hour or more per workout. By following the 5 Criteria for a Good and Effective Workout you can get a good, efficient workout in only 30 minutes or so. You also don’t need to go to the gym to get a good workout. You don’t need ab machines, back stretchers, swinging doohickeys, funny shaped shoes or straps and belts. You can work out at home, in the park, on the beach, while traveling, just about anywhere.

5 Criteria for a Good and Effective Workout        

1.  Do multi-joint movements

2.  Exercise on your feet

3.  Variety

4.  High intensity

5.  Fun

Let’s take a closer look at the five criteria.

  1. Multi-joint movements – Perform whole body, multi-joint exercises instead of isolation movements. Do pull-ups instead of curls, push-ups instead of bench presses, squats instead of leg extensions. For example, squats develop not only your quadriceps (the muscles in the front of your thighs) but also your glutes (butt), hamstrings (back of the leg), calves, back, abs, and the all important core (a.k.a. your trunk, the muscles that hold you up). To keep yourself upright and balanced while you’re doing squats, you use and develop the stabilizer muscles in your trunk. This helps strengthen your overall musculature and balance. Instead of striving for big bodybuilder muscles, go for strong, functional muscles that can support you in your daily activities.
  2. Exercise on your feet – Don’t just sit at a machine and move stacks of weight. Go grab a barbell or dumbbells and push or pull them, or do some bodyweight squats, pushups, and pull-ups. Jumping and sprinting are some other activities you can do on your feet. Remember: the more you sit, the less fit you git, and the more you weigh (pardon the pun, but if it helps you remember, it’s worth it).
  3. Variety – If you use barbells to do squats and shoulder presses one day, the next day do box jumps and sprints. The thing is, don’t do the same routine all the time. Mix in some burpees and Turkish get-ups. Do some Tai Chi. Lift heavy weights one workout, then for your next workout do sprints and core work, for the workout after that do bodyweight exercises, then jump rope and bike the next workout. You get the idea – try not to do the same routine more than once or twice a month to keep your body and muscles from getting too complacent and you from getting too bored.
  4. High intensity – Don’t just amble along taking it easy. Exert yourself. We’ve all seen the person who spends hours in a leisurely walk on the treadmill, reading a book or magazine, but they never seem to make any improvements or speed up. If they’d just break into a short jog once in a while and maybe even break a sweat they’d be amazed at the results. You don’t have to run for a solid 30 minutes or more to get the best results. In fact, interval training can produce great results in much less time. A simple interval running workout goes like this: walk 3 minutes, sprint 1 minute, walk 3 minutes, sprint 1 minute. Repeat this cycle 5 or 6 times.
  5. Fun – Have fun. Pick exercises and routines that you like, maybe something you enjoyed as a kid. Having fun is a big part of life. Make it part of your workout.   

Once you accept the notion that you don’t have to do a bodybuilder-type routine to get fit and healthy, the world is full of fun and healthy possibilities. For instance, my workout today will consist of jump rope, pushups (done 4 different ways), jump squats, rope climb, box jumps, and other fun activities. I’ll complete it in 35 to 40 minutes. 

Okay, now that you’ve finished reading this, what are you still doing sitting in front of your computer? Get outside and crawl around your yard. If anyone gawks, just smile knowingly and wave at them.

StillFit: The 5 Rules of Healthy Eating July 18, 2010

Posted by Mike Clipp in Diet, Health.
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The guidelines or rules for healthy eating are simple and easy to follow. You could read tons of books and magazines, search the health databases and the internet to find out what these rules are. You could spend hours and hours sifting and digesting the information you gather. But you don’t have to do that—I’ve done it for you and boiled it down to Five Rules of Healthy Eating. These five rules show that you can eat a healthy diet and keep your weight under control eating everyday foods. You don’t have to eat exotic foods prepared in strange ways to eat healthy.

 The Five Rules of Healthy Eating

  1. Make vegetables and fruits the base of your diet.
  2. For protein, eat mostly fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and soy.
  3. Eat whole grains.
  4. Avoid processed foods, sauces, and dressings.
  5. Aim for unsaturated fats and Omega-3 fats. Avoid saturated fats.

 If you were to undertake a study of what the healthiest and longest lived people in the world eat, certain commonalities would become apparent.  The Five Rules of Healthy Eating are the results of such a study. The Mediterranean Diet, the Okinawan Diet, the eating habits noted in the various other studies of long-lived peoples, and the results of numerous clinical studies pointed the way to the Five Rules of Healthy Eating.

 Let’s expand on the five rules:

  1. Make vegetables and fruits the base of your diet. Vegetables and fruits contain the micronutrients, vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber your body needs to get healthy and stay healthy. If you eat the daily combined 7 – 9 servings of vegetables and fruits, you’ll find yourself healthier and more ready to face life’s challenges. And you don’t have to eat strange and exotic foods to get your 7 – 9 servings.  A couple of simple ways to ensure you get the proper number of servings are the daily salad and the 3/5 Plate Rule. Eat a giant salad for lunch most days—and I don’t mean mostly iceberg lettuce. Throw a wide variety of chopped up veggies into a bowl and enjoy. I’ll talk in more detail about the “Love
    Salad” in a later article. To follow the 3/5 Plate Rule divide your plate into 5 sections. Fill 3 of the sections with vegetables and fruit. Proteins go into one section and major carbohydrates go into the fifth section. Oh, and potatoes don’t count as vegetables. They’re counted as major carbohydrates in Rule 3.
  2. For protein, eat mostly fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and soy. Try to eat red meat (beef and pork) no more than once or twice a week. For the healthiest animal protein sources eat wild caught fish and poultry not raised on lots of hormones and antibiotics.  Eat sparingly of cheeses and use low fat or no fat milk.  Try to use plant sources as your protein for one or two meals per day. An easy way to do that is to have a peanut butter or almond butter sandwich on whole wheat bread for breakfast, and beans and rice for dinner. You can also add beans, nuts, and/or tofu to your “Love Salad.”
  3. Eat whole grains. These are part of what I call the major carbohydrates. The major carbohydrates include grains and grain products, rice, wheat, oats, bread, pastries, grits, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and the like. Although I know that it’s nearly impossible to do, try to avoid eating white flour products. White breads, crackers, cookies, pastas, pastries, and chips are just a few of the items made with white flour. Also try to avoid products with added sugar. Eat whole wheat bread, steel cut or rolled oats (not instant oatmeal), whole grain English muffins, etc.
  4. Avoid processed foods, sauces, and dressings. Usually the more processed a food is, the worse it is for you. A steak is better than a hot dog and a pork chop is better than sausage. A chicken breast is better than chicken nuggets. Oatmeal is better for you than boxed cereal. Fruit is better for dessert than cakes and cookies and pies, oh my. Try not to add fatty sauces, gravies, cheese sauces, alfredo sauces, cream sauces, and the like to your food. Strive to enjoy the real, natural flavors inherent in the foods rather than cover them up with sauces and goop. Be careful you don’t turn your good salads into fatty salads by pouring lots of high saturated fat dressings on them. Try mixing up some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and spices, then drizzle it on your salad.   
  5. Aim for unsaturated fats and Omega-3 fats. Avoid saturated fats. If you follow Rules 2 and 4 you should have no trouble with this rule. For animal protein just choose poultry over beef and pork, and fish over poultry. Any of the plant proteins work well for this rule.  Just remember to avoid the fatty sauces and dressings.

I’ve presented here a quick look at the Five Rules of Healthy Eating. In later posts I’ll dive deeper into each of the rules. My next post will look at the Five Rules of Effective Exercise.

Welcome To StillFit July 14, 2010

Posted by Mike Clipp in Diet, Exercise, Fitness, General, Health.
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Are you over 40 and still fit? Over 40 and want to get fit? Tired of trying to separate the nutrition and fitness fads, the misinformation, the scams and untruths from the simple, straightforward facts and data? Now, StillFit is here to guide you through the confusing array of conflicting and overblown information. A lot of you have neither the time nor the desire to sift through all the often sensational and conflicting information that is thrown at you through magazines, television, newspapers, websites, advertisements, friends, family, etc. I started StillFit to analyze all that information for you, then give you just the facts you need to help you stay fit and healthy as the years go by.

I’ll keep it simple too. No long, boring lectures about vitamin this or antioxidant that. The StillFit program doesn’t require you to become an expert on exercise or nutrition. Just learn and consistently follow simple guidelines that will enable you to stay fit and healthy, or become fit and healthy.

StillFit is not a take it easy, low impact, eat what you want, exercise while sitting in a chair and still lose weight and get fit type of program. Those don’t work. StillFit is for the person who is serious about getting fit and healthy or staying fit and healthy and is ready and willing to work at it. It will work for both men and women, whether you’re 45 or 65, already fit or a complete couch potato looking to get fit and healthy. You’re never too old or too out of shape to get started. 

The guiding principles of StillFit are, “Knowledge, Reason, and Consistency.” Knowledge is knowing the facts about fitness and nutrition. It also includes knowing how to apply the facts to design and live a StillFit life. Reason is realizing that we’re not 25 years old anymore. We can’t get away with eating and exercising (or not exercising) like we could 30 years ago. Consistency is the continuous application and practice of our StillFit lifestyle.

I‘ve organized things into simple sets of rules or guidelines. We’ll start off with the 80/20 Rule. It basically means that if you follow the rules or guidelines 80 to 90 percent of the time, the other 10 to 20 percent of the time, when you relax the rules a bit, won’t kill you. In other words, if you want to eat dessert once in a while, or wolf down one of those 1400 calorie burgers, go ahead. Just fit it into your overall program. Or, if you miss a day of working out it’s no big deal. You’ll catch up later. It’s when you apply the 80/20 Rule the other way around, where you follow the StillFit program only 10% or 20% of the time that you run into big problems.

Next time, we’ll look at the basic rules for eating. They’re a lot simpler and easier to follow than what the multi-billion dollar diet and nutrition industry wants you to believe.